"One of the striking indications of civilization and refinement among a people is the tenderness and care manifested by them towards their dead." ~ from Board of Trustees of the Antietam National Cemetery, 1869 ~

Official Muster Roll of Capt. Elijah W. Gibbons

Copy of: Muster roll of Capt. Elijah W. Gibbons:
Company B, in the 14th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers,
bar-code: 21591, Connecticut Historical Society 
Larger copy at the very bottom of the page. 

Here is a copy of the August, 1862 “Muster Roll of Captain Elijah W. Gibbons.

When transcribing the information from the Muster Roll, I organized it differently, arranging each member’s information in blocks, as opposed to a chart form. There just wasn't enough room on this page to put all the information into chart form.

Along with each member's information from the Muster Roll, I took the liberty of adding notes about each individual, including promotions, wounds received, discharges, and deaths, as found in “History of The Fourteenth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry,” by Charles D. Page, plus any other information that I felt was pertinent. I also included any available photographs, and individual signatures from the receipt of  bounty paid.

Also, the book, “A Noble and Glorious Cause,” by Thomas La Lancette was the source for all the “14th Connecticut Necrololgical Committee Reports” that are quoted below. 

Members are in order by rank (as they were in August, 1862), and then alphabetically for Privates.

The categories on the Elijah Gibbon’s Muster Roll are: 

>No. of each grade.

>Names. Officers and Privates (Privates in alphabetical order. At least most of them are in alphabetical order. Some aren't).  I also added a category of “Rank.”

>Enlisted. When. Where. By whom enrolled and enlisted.

>Period (of enlistment).

>Married (or not).

>No. of children under fourteen (or not).



>Height—feet / inches.

>Color of eyes.

>Color of hair.


Those in charge of taking down each Soldier’s information, were pretty specific when it came to height, hair color, and eye color, with hair and eye colors spanning the full spectrum.

The choices for hair color: auburn, black, brown, dark, grey, light, red (dark), and red. The only thing that wasn't too specific to me, is if "light" hair meant blond, dirty-blond (which is basically dark blond—a blond mixed with brown), or light-brown. I'm curious, as Daniel Otis is listed with "light" hair.

The choices of eye color: black, blue, brown, grey, and hazel. It’s interesting that not one man had “green” eyes, because that color is not listed.

The choices for complexion: dark, light, and florid—which is a red or flushed complexion. Only one man had a florid complexion.

First, a Bit of Trivia: 

Oldest member of Company B: A tie! Both age 45, Isaac Brainerd, and Joseph N. Shailer.
Youngest member of Company B: Daniel H. Otis, age 15 (the muster roll says age 18, but he lied).

Tallest member of Company B: Nathaniel Butler, at 6 feet!
Shortest member of Company B: Another tie! Both coming in at 5 feet / 3 inches are, German-born Andrew Shirer, and William H. Hall. Runner up is George E. Wood at 5 feet / 3 1/2 inches (three and one-half inches).

Most popular first name of Company B: William! Fifteen men were named William on the Official Muster Roll.
Most unique first names of Company B (according to my opinion, and in no particular order): Beauchamp, Heman, Guernsey, Ashbel, and Elnathan.

Foreign-born members of Company B: there were 18 foreign-born members. 6 from Scotland, 4 from Ireland, 4 from Germany, 3 from England, and 1 from Prussia.

There was an array of ages for the enlisted men of Co. B, all the way from 15 to 45. So, me being an organizing nerd who loves categorizing things, I tallied up the number of men in each age range as follows: 

Age 18: 18 men (though in reality, two of the men were age 15, and two were age 16, but obviously the muster roll does not reflect their true ages. Besides the four under-agers, I wonder if there were any others who snuck in). Age 19: 6 men; Age 20: 5 men; Age 21: 16 men; Age 22: 22 men; Age 23: 6 men; Age 24: 3 men; Age 25: 2 men; Age 26: 5 men; Age 27: 2 men; Age 28: 5 men; Age 29: 5 men; Age 30: 1 man; Age 31: 3 men; Age 32: 1 man; Age 33: 3 men; Age 34: 0 men; Age 35: 2 men; Age 36: 3 men; Age 37: 2 men; Age 38: 1 man; Age 39: 1 man; Age 40: 2 men; Age 45: 2 men. 

The bulk of the soldiers were from the age 22 group (22 men), then age 18 group (18 men), and finally the age 21 group (16 men). The numbers are low for the rest of the age groups. 


Some members became part of "The Veteran Reserve Corps" (originally the Invalid Corps). Wikipedia says the V.R.C "was a military reserve organization created within the Union Army during the American Civil War to allow partially disabled or otherwise infirm soldiers (or former soldiers) to perform light duty, freeing able-bodied soldiers to serve on the front lines.”

The men who enlisted from the Maromas section of Middletown are highlighted in red: Nathaniel Butler, Ashbel Clark, Sherman Johnson, and Daniel Otis.  For more info on those men, please see my page "Maromas Men in the Civil War.

Without further ado, "The Muster Roll of Captain Elijah Gibbons:"

Name: Elijah W. Gibbons, Captain

No. of each grade:
: Captain
Age: 30
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT                         
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Two

Birthplace: New York, N.Y.
Residence: Middletown, Conn.

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet. / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel            
Color Hair: Light              
Complexion: Light

My Notes:  Elijah Gibbons was once a Sexton at the First Baptist Church in Middletown, foreman at the local ‘William & Benjamin Douglas Pump Works’ (W. & B.), and military officer. He was previously enlisted on May 22, 1861, in the 4th Connecticut Infantry Regiment, which eventually became the 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery on January 2, 1862.

Gibbons opened his recruiting office on Main Street in Middletown on July 16, 1862. Within three weeks of opening his doors, Gibbons was able to enlist more than the one-hundred men that was needed to make up a fully mustered company! Enlistments were filled with such speed that Gibbon’s success became the talk of the town throughout Connecticut.

It probably didn’t hurt that Gibbons had the backing of his mentor, friend, and fellow abolitionist, Benjamin Douglas—a prominent individual, who was not only his former boss at W. & B., but also a three-term mayor of Middletown, and one-term Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut.

Several months later, on December 13, 1862, at the Battle of Fredericksburg (VA), Captain Elijah W. Gibbons was wounded when a rebel ball shattered his left femur. He died six days later on December 19, 1862, at the age of 31. He left behind a widow and two sons under the age of 5. 

Not having the financial means to bring her husband’s body home, she turned to Elijah’s close friend and mentor, Benjamin Douglas. He, along with many of the workers at W. & B., raised the necessary funds to bring Elijah home. It was actually Benjamin Douglas’ son, John Douglas, who retrieved the body of Elijah Gibbons and brought him back home for burial at Mortimer Cemetery in Middletown, on Saturday, January 3, 1863. 

Incidentally, not only was John Douglas the President of W. & B., but on September 23, 1872, he also became the chosen guardian of Daniel Otis’ orphaned younger brother, George C. Otis. Daniel Otis, who this entire site is about, was a Private in Elijah Gibbons’ Co. B. Private Daniel H. Otis died a few days before his captain, Elijah W. Gibbons, did. 

Captain Elijah W. Gibbons
Middlesex County Historical Society

Captain Elijah W. Gibbons
The color-painting version is housed at the Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: John C. Broatch, 1st Lieutenant 

No. of each grade: 1
Rank: 1st Lieutenant 
Age: 20
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862    
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted Captain of Company A, 14th CT, January 1, 1863.

My Notes: John Charles Broatch died on April 2, 1904 (age 61) from a “blood clot on the brain,” and is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

The “14th Connecticut Necrololgical Committee Report for 1904” says that the blood clot happened in January and that “he retained the use of his faculties to a degree for a time, and it was hoped that his disability could be removed; but the hold was too strong to be broken, and gradually, after suffering great pain, his body weakened, sensibility was lost, and he died of exhaustion.”

It goes on to say that he “had been particularly active, in a leading way, in all work of battlefield monument preparation and arranging for our great excursions…He enlisted in Co. A, 2d Conn. Inf., April 20, 1861, and was discharged therefrom August 7, 1861. He was an ardent patriot and loved the military life, and when the Fourteenth Regiment was organizing, he assisted in recruiting a company for it. Said company became Co. B, or one of our flank companies, and he was commissioned its First Lieutenant….He was promoted Captain of Co. A, January 1, 1863, and Major of the regiment, October 22, 1864. He was severely, dangerously wounded at the Boydton Plank Road engagement, October 27, 1864 and was never again able to resume duty with the regiment, but was discharged for his disability February 4, 1865. At the battle of Morton’s Ford, VA, February 6, 1864…one bullet took off one of his fingers and another broke his sword blade….For more than thirty years he was Superintendent of the City water works and Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners…Lovingly we will remember him. We shall not see his like again.” 

John C. Broatch

Broatch in his later years

Name: Walter M. Lucas, 2nd Lieutenant

No. of each grade: 2
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Age: 29
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862    
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 10 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Promoted 1st Lieutenant Company A, 14th CT, August 20, 1862.

My Notes: Walter M. Lucas died on February 10, 1912 (age 79) of “neuralgia of the heart” at the Soldier’s Home in Danville, Ill. He is buried at Danville National Cemetery in Danville, IL. 

The "14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1913" says that "Lucas was a member of the Mansfield Guards and enlisted…on April 20th ’61. They were mustered as A Co. 2nd Regiment. He was discharged Aug. 7th ’61 and resumed his place with the Douglas Co. In July ’62...He recruited a number of his fellow workmen and all enlisted in B Co., July 31st. The boys voted him their 2nd Lieutenant of the Company. He served with B Co., a short time only as he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant of A Co…June 5, ’63 he was commissioned Captain of D Co…He was wounded at Gettysburg and Morton’s Ford, and resigned from service March 14, ’64."

The report goes on to say that he opened a store for the W & B Douglas Co. in Chicago, traveling and selling pumps, but in 1897, “when broken in health he closed out the store for them and retired from active life.” 

I love what the report says about him: “Comrade Lucas was as full of life and fun as an egg is full of meat. Whenever he met the “old boys” there was a suspension of military regulations and free, hearty, good will prevailed.” 

“Fun as an egg is full of meat.” That’s a good one!

Name: Charles W. Galpin, 1st Sergeant 

No. of each grade: 1
Rank: 1st Sergeant
Age: 35
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Two

Birthplace: Hartford, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted 2nd Lieutenant Company A, 14th CT, August 20, 1862.

My Notes: The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1890,” says of Galpin that, “for several years he was a member of the Mansfield Guards, and having much military enthusiasm, with acquired skill, was made Sergeant and Lieutenant of that Company. He enlisted into our regiment, under appointments as Orderly Sergeant of Co. B, August 5, 1862, in which capacity he was extremely efficient. He was promoted Second Lieutenant of Co. A, August 20, 1862, and discharged December 20, 1863, going through with the regiment some of our severest experiences…He cherished a great tenderness of heart towards his old Comrades of the Fourteenth.” 

Charles W. Galpin died on June 14, 1890 (age 63) and is buried at Mortimer Cemetery in Middletown, CT

Name: George A. Hubbard, Sergeant 

No. of each grade: 2
Rank: Sergeant
Age: 20
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Wadesborough, NC
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Wounded July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Reduced in ranks [because of a long illness], January 4, 1864. Mustered out with Company, May 31, 1865.

My Notes: George A. Hubbard died on October 17, 1915 (age 73) from “general debility,” and is buried at New Farm Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT

The "14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1916" says that he “was a well-to-do farmer, conducted his farm in fine shape, till shortly before his death. He was twice married, and is survived by his second wife, and by three brothers.” 

Name: Robert Russell, Sergeant 

No. of each grade: 3
Rank: Sergeant
Age: 36
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Scotland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 11 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Mustered in as Sergeant. Promoted 1st Sergeant February 9, 1863. Promoted 2nd Lieutenant November 18, 1863. Wounded May 6, 1864 at Wilderness, VA. Promoted June 26, 1864. Mustered out with Company, May 31, 1865.

My Notes: The 1860 Census Report shows Scottish-born Russell living in Cromwell (CT), working as a “shoemaker,” and married to Marian. They have a 14 year-old daughter named Margaret. After the war, the 1870 Census shows him living Sprague (New London County), CT and working in a “woolen mill." He is married to Mary—who I assume is “Marian”—and they have seven children: Mary Russell (no age listed), Jesse Russell (age 18), Isabella Russell (age 12), James Russell (age 10), Christina Russell (age 7), and Jennie Russell (age 3), and Robert Russell (age 8 ½). 

According to the Minutes of the Fiftieth Annual Reunion of the 14Th CT (held 1914), Robert Russell died on April 11, 1876. I have not been able to locate Russell’s final resting place. 

Robert Russell
Durham Historical Society
Name: John G. Pelton, Sergeant

No. of each grade: 4
Rank: Sergeant
Age: 24
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Appointed Sergeant-Major, September 17, 1862.

My Notes: In April of 1864, John Graves Pelton became ambulance chief for the Army of the Potomac's 2nd Corps, commanding hundreds of stretcher-bearers and ambulance drivers.

Also, some personal serendipitous trivia---John Graves Pelton's younger brother, Jonathan Peters Pelton (24th CT Infantry) used to own the land that my former (circa 1879) home was built on. Jonathan sold the land to Frederick M. King who built a brick duplex on it in 1879. Both men were in the printing business together as "Pelton and King" on Court Street in Middletown. Jonathan Peters Pelton's home still stands at 250 Court Street.

The December 24, 1862 edition of the Middletown Constitution (newspaper) quotes a letter that John Pelton wrote to his brother.

John G. Pelton died on October 18, 1902 (age 64), and is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

John Graves Pelton

Pelton in his later years

Name: J. Frank Morgan, 1st Sergeant 

No. of each grade: 5
Rank: 1st Sergeant
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Haverhill, NH
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Auburn
Complexion: Light

Notes: Mustered in as Sergeant. Promoted November 18, 1863. 2nd Lieutenant of Company C, 14th CT, April 4, 1864.

My Notes: J. Frank Morgan died on October 31, 1922 (age 81) and is buried at Wyuka Cemetery (the soldier’s circle) in Lincoln, NE. 

According the “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1923,” Morgan’s previous military service included enlisting in Co. A, 2nd Conn. Infantry on April 20, 1861 (discharge, August 7, 1861). He mustered into Co. B (14th CT) as a Sergeant on August 20, 1862 and was promoted 1st Sergeant on November 18, 1863, and then promoted 2nd Lieutenant of Co. C on April 4, 1864, and Captain of Co. H on June 26, 1864. He mustered out on May 31, 1865. 

For twenty-five years he served as a guard of the Nebraska state penitentiary and was a member of the Loyal Legion. 

J. Frank Morgan
Durham Historical Society

Name: Horatio N. Shaw, Corporal

No. of each grade: 1
Rank: Corporal
Age: 33
Enlisted—When: August 7, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: 4

Birthplace: Cummington, Mass.
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 4 ½ inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Mustered in as a Corporal. Promoted to Sergeant on October 21, 1862. Wounded on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Discharged on account of disability on March 23, 1863.

My Notes: The "14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1915," says Shaw was 86 year of age when he died. However, his gravestone says he was born in 1823, which would make him 91 years of age at his death. If he was born in 1823, then his age of 33, on the Official Muster Roll is incorrect—which wouldn’t be a first. 

Horatio N. Shaw died on November 19, 1914 (age 86 or 91?) from "heart weakness," and is buried at Mortimer Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

Name: Richard V. Singleton, Corporal

No. of each grade: 2
Rank: Corporal
Age: 28
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Two

Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Dark
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on March 4, 1863.

My Notes: “The 14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1873,” says: “Soon after our regiment left our state, while we lay at Fort Ethan Allen, Corporal Singleton, being a fine and facile writer, was detailed to act as a clerk at Gen. Doubleday’s headquarters. He did not join our regiment again until after the Battle of Antietam, while we lay gloriously recuperating on Bolivar Heights. Then he was taken sick with chronic diarrhea, the disease taking hold of him with such violence and tenacity that for a time it seemed improbable that he would recover. He was removed to hospital in Washington, and thence in a few weeks returned to Middletown, receiving his discharge…About two years before his decease, he became a member of the police force in Middletown, and was soon elected its chief and held that position as long as he lived. In November, following our last renunion, he was suddenly taken ill, but there was no apprehension that his illness would be fatal until two days before his death…He left a wife and two children to feel keenly his loss.”

Richard Vickers Singleton died on November 1872 (age 38), and is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT

Name: William S. Bonney, Corporal

No. of each grade: 3
Rank: Corporal
Age: 39
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: 3

Birthplace: Suffield, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light

Notes: Mustered in as a Private. Promoted to Corporal on August 13, 1862. Transferred to 2d Co. 1st Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps on July 25, 1863. Died July 28, 1863.

My Notes: Bonney fell ill shortly after the Battle of Antietam and was sent to a hospital. Later, while on leave visiting family in Connecticut, he died on July 28, 1863, of “apoplexy,” which is unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral hemorrhage or stroke. He was 24 years-old. He is buried at Lewis Street Cemetery in Bristol, CT

William S. Bonney
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Elnathan B. Tyler, Corporal

No. of each grade: 4
Rank: Corporal
Age: 23
Enlisted—When: August 7, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Wawasing, NY
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 ½ inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light

Notes: Mustered in as a Corporal. Wounded July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Promoted Sergeant on October 25, 1863. Promoted to 1st Sergeant on April 26, 1864. Wounded on May 6, 1864 at Wilderness, VA. Discharged July 24, 1865.

My Notes: Elnathan B. Tyler died on August 16, 1899 (age 60) from “a lingering illness of gastric trouble.” He is buried at West Street Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1899,” says that Tyler “had a prior service in Rifle Co. B. 3 C.V. Inf. From April 25 to August 12, 1861. He died at his home in Westfield [which is a district in Middletown], August 16, last, after prolonged suffereing…He was one of the rarely excellent men, kind and gentle to a fault, intelligent, brave and witty, loved strongly and trusted fully by all who knew him. He loved to the last, his dear old regiment, as fondly as one loves his best friends. His record as a soldier and patriot was faultless, and his life was full of brightness and goodness.”

From my research, I tend to believe that this is an accurate description of the outstanding individual and soldier that Elnathan Tyler was. Too bad there isn't a picture of him. 

Name: David Maitland, Corporal

No. of each grade: 5
Rank: Corporal
Age: 26
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded September 17, 1862 at Antietam, MD. Discharged on account of disability on December 18, 1862.

My Notes: David Maitland was born in Paisley, Scotland and after the war worked as a machinist at Douglas Pump Works for forty years. He died on May 3, 1906 (age 69) from “consumption,” and is buried at New Farm Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

Name: Frederick R. Beebe, Corporal

No. of each grade: 6
Rank: Corporal
Age: 20
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 10 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded September 17, 1862 at Antietam, MD. Discharged on account of disability on February 11, 1863.

My Notes: Frederick R. Beebe died on August 22, 1882 (age 41) from “pneumonia,” and is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

Name: Guernsey B. Smith, Corporal

No. of each grade: 7
Rank: Corporal
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Durham, CT
Residence: Durham, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: light

Notes: Captured by the Confederate Army and taken as a prisoner of war on November 17, 1862 near Warrenton, VA. Paroled January, 1863 and then discharged on account of disability on January 30, 1863.

My Notes: Guernsey B. Smith died on February 9, 1916 (age 74) from “liver trouble.” He is buried at Springfield Cemetery in Springfield, MA. 

The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1916,” says that Smith “was in such bad condition” after he was paroled as prisoner of war, that he was discharged for disability. He eventually settled in Mass and was employed as a “metal worker,” and a member of the Methodist Church, Free Masons, and G.A.R.

Name: Henry A. Lloyd, Corporal

No. of each grade: 8
Rank: Corporal
Age: 31
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Two

Birthplace: Providence, RI
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Died January 12, 1863 from wounds received at Fredericksburg.

My Notes: Corporal Lloyd was the Color Bearer for the 14th Connecticut Infantry Regiment. 

This is what the January 21, 1863 Middletown newspaper, “The Constitution,” had to say about his death: “Death of Corporal Henry A. Lloyd.—A dispatch reached this city on Tuesday afternoon, 13th inst., conveying the account of the death of Corporal Henry A. Lloyd, Co. B, 14th regiment. He died that day at Trinity Hospital, Washington. A letter had been received by his wife only the day before that he was doing well, and expected soon to be at home. He had been wounded in the left hand at the battle of Fredericksburgh, and it had become necessary to amputate the arm just below the elbow. For a time he did well, but owing to exposure on his part, a change took place and he rapidly declined. We learn that he was well cared for while living, and was buried with military honors, on Wednesday, at 2 o’clock, in Glenwood Cemetery. The escort was a detachment of the 135th Pennsylvania regiment. A large number of ladies and friends of the hospital attended the funeral, the services of which were of a very interesting character. These were conducted by Chaplain Raymond of the Hospital, and Rev. S. Herbert Lancey, formerly of this city. Three vollies were fired over his grave by the military escort.

Mr. Lloyd had been long engaged in this city as agent of the American Telegraph Company, and was an excellent operator. He had numerous acquaintances and friends, who have learned his unexpected death with sad regret. He leaves a wife and children.

Corporal Lloyd was color bearer for his regiment during the battle, a position of honor and peril which he filled with the greatest credit to himself and his cause.”

Henry Lloyd is buried at Mortimer Cemetery in Middletown. 

Name: George S. Parmalee, Wagoner

No. of each grade: 1
Rank: Wagoner
Age: 22
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 -5/8 inches (5 feet / 6 and five-eighths inches to be exact)
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on December 29, 1862.

My Notes: George Parmalee died on August 9, 1886 (age 47) and is buried at Mortimer Cemetery in Middletown, CT. George was related to the Starr family of Middletown, his mother being Sarah W. Starr. In 1880, he worked as a clerk at the Custom House on Main Street in Middletown. George never married. 

The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1886,” says of Parmalee that “he was ardently attached to his comrades and died, it is said, “without an enemy in the world.” 

Name: Pierre P. Hurlbut, Musician

No. of each grade: 1
Rank: Musician
Age: 16
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865. 

My Notes: Pierre P. Hurlbut died on March 25, 1914 (age 68) from “pneumonia.” He is buried at Rosedale Cemetery in Orange, NJ. 

The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1914,” says that he “attended high school at Middletown and was also for some time a student at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass. Instead of entering Wesleyan University in ‘62” as advised, 16 year-old Hurlbut was seized with “war fever” and “enlisted as a musician at Middletown, July 31, ’62 and served in all our campaigns until January ’63, when with so many of us at the dreadful Falmouth camp, he was taken with typhoid fever. He left us a mere skeleton and not being expected to live was given his discharge Janurary 31, ’63. Pierre was a plucky lad and quickly rallied under good home nursing. May 4, ’64 as we were marching to the Wilderness battlefield, he re-enlisted for service in the United States Volunteer Signal Corps and rendered able service, doing duty at both the Fort Fisher battles and wherever the army was in action. He was mustered out of the service August 16 ’65. Pierre was a lovable comrade and maintained good cheer under very unfavorable circumstances.” 

What a great write up! 

The report goes on to say that he settled in NJ after the war and practiced surveying and then was a resident engineer, and later a civil engineer in U.S. service. 

Name: Eugene S. Bowers, Musician

No. of each grade: 2
Rank: Musician
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: East Berlin, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT
Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Brown
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on January 31, 1863.

My Notes: Eugene S. Bowers died on August 13, 1920 (age 77), and is buried at Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY. 

Name: Thomas P. Allen, Private

No. of each grade: 1
Rank: Private
Age: 37
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Three

Birthplace: Scotland
Residence: Middletown, CT
Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 ½ inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded September 23, 1862 at Fort Ethan Allen, VA. Discharged on account of disability on December 1, 1862.

My Notes: The wound that Thomas Allen sustained at Fort Ethan Allen was when he was accidentally shot in the wrist by a Massachusetts soldier. This wound would leave him disabled. Thomas Allen died on August 16, 1870 (age 45). I don’t have a cause of death for Thomas Allen, but he is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

Name: Lucius E. Bidwell, Private

No. of each grade: 2
Rank: Private
Age: 29
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches

Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Killed on May 5, 1864 at Wilderness, VA.

My Notes: Lucius Bidwell's remains were never recovered. A cenotaph for Private Bidwell can be found at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT. This makes me sad that a soldier's remains go un-recovered with no decent burial. 

Lucius E. Bidwell
Middlesex County Historical Society

Lucius E. Bidwell
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Nelson S. Bailey, Private

No. of each grade: 3
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Haddam, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on February 5, 1863.

My Notes: Nelson S. Bailey died on June 20, 1916 (age 73) from “heart failure.” He is buried at Buckingham Congregational Church Cemetery in Glastonbury, CT.

The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1916” says that he “remained with us until after the Fredericksburg affair. He was taken ill in Falmouth, and for many weeks was not able to do military duty. He was discharged for disability February 5, 1863. He was a fine fellow and we were sorry to lose him. It was no mean service to pass through the battle of Antietam and Fredericksburg, though we recall he was detailed to help get up the ammunition supplies, at the latter place, where he overworked, which brought on his trouble. When he returned, he married, settled on a farm in Glastonbury, and made it one of the finest in the state.” 

The report also says that Bailey was “stricken with heart failure while waiting for a trolley at City Hall Station, Hartford….and died before reaching the hospital.” 

Name: Charles S. Brooks, Private

No. of each grade: 4
Rank: Private
Age: 28
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Killed on October 14, 1863 at Bristoe Station, VA.

My Notes: Charles Brooks was actually killed in action at Bristoe Station. His remains were never recovered. There is a cenotaph for him at New Farm Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT. He was only 29 years old. 

Charles S. Brooks
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Levi P. Burr, Private

No. of each grade: 5
Rank: Private
Age: 20
Enlisted—When: August 11, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Haddam, CT
Residence: Haddam, CT
Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Light

Notes: Deserted November 23, 1862.

My Notes: author Thomas La Lancette feels that Levi Burr was unjustly branded a deserter. I felt that I needed to look further into his reason for believing thus so. I think I may have found the answer in my 1903 copy of the book, "Commemorative Biographical Record of Middlesex County, Connecticut." On page 839, there is a subheading "Levi P. Burr." I quote the pertinent excerpts:

"LEVI P. BURR. Among the well-known names in Haddam, Middlesex Co., Conn. that of Burr possesses the respect of the whole community, belonging to a family which has been established there since the founding of the town...In the summer of 1862, Mr. Burr enlisted, and was assigned to that part of the army then near Antietam, where he was under steady fire for one whole day, escaping without injury, but was taken sick and obliged to remain in hospital for sixty days. Complications set in, as in those times the army hospitals were very indifferently supplied with even the barest necessities, and real care was an impossibility, so that Mr. Burr’s life was hanging in the balance for some time. Relatives came to his rescue, and permission was given for his removal, but no record was made of his place of removal, and hence he has never been able to obtain a discharge, although after regaining his health, he made every effort to do so."

Ah, I see what happened here. Another "great" job, by the clueless fat-heads who run the governmental circus show. They screwed up. The red tape of paper work probably got lost, or shuffled around, or there was a miscommunication. Take your pick of incompetent scenarios. Here is my impromptu headline that about sums up what happened to poor Levi Burr:  "Newsflash: Government Screw-Up Wrongly Brands Brave Connecticut Private, Levi P. Burr, A Deserter For All Of History.” 

Levi Burr died March 1, 1931 (age 89). Cause of death: Pneumonia. Buried at: Little City Road Cemetery in Haddam, CT

Name: Isaac Brainard, Private

No. of each grade: 6
Rank: Private
Age: 45
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Two

Birthplace: Haddam, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 ½ inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on April 18, 1865.

My Notes: Isaac Brainard died on June 20, 1899 (age 75) from “Pulmonary Consumption,” and is buried at Old Farm Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

Enlisting at age 45, he was one of the oldest members of Co. B.

Name: Nathaniel S. Butler, Private

No. of each grade: 7
Rank: Private
Age: 22
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: Maromas, Middletown, CT
Residence: Maromas, Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 6 feet*
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

*This Official Muster Roll lists Nathaniel as 6 feet tall, however his enlistment papers, list him as 6 feet, 8 inches tall! 

My Notes: Read more about Nathaniel Sherman Butler on my page "Maromas Men in the Civil War."

Nathaniel Sherman Butler
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Henry S. Brooks, Private

No. of each grade: 8
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862    
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Higganum, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT
Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Dark
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted Corporal on February 9, 1863. Wounded on May 3, 1863 at Chancellorsville, VA. Promoted Sergeant on March 23, 1865. Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Before the war, Brooks was a carpenter. At Chancellorsville, VA, he was wounded badly in the thigh. The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1912” says that he “returned to us before his wound was healed and resumed full duty…In our running fight from Petersburg to Appomattox, his wound broke out afresh and he was unable to carry his equipment, but he stuck it out to the final windup, bound to be in at the surrender of Lee’s army. Brooks was a good comrade, genial under the most adverse circumstances, leading good cheer to us all in wary marches or uncomfortable bivouacs.”

Henry S. Brooks died on October 25, 1912 (age 71) from “uremic poisoning.” Uremia is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the kidneys no longer filter properly, therefore an abnormally high level of waste products accumulate in the blood. Brooks is buried at Washington Street Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

Name: Edward H. Brewer, Private

No. of each grade: 9
Rank: Private
Age: 20
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons

Period (of enlistment): 3 years
Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light

My Notes: Though he went forth with his company, Edward Brewer soon served as a clerk at General French’s headquarters, along with his cousin and fellow Co. B comrade, William E. Starr. Both cousins often got to dine together at headquarters too. Seemingly "cushy" positions such as these are what the combat soldiers called “bombproof” jobs—positions that were a safe distance behind the lines. 

Edward's best friend and fellow soldier was Amos H. Fairchild. They were mustered into Co. B together and even had their picture taken together, in uniform, before leaving Middletown for the front. Sadly, Amos Fairchild died of disease on March 8, 1863. Edward Brewer was devastated by his death and wrote to his sister, “I was very sorry last night to hear of the death of Amos. He was as dear to me as a brother. In fact, I called him such. The news of his death came so unexpectedly that I was not at all prepared for it…Little did I think when he left the regiment that I should never see his face again on earth. But I trust we shall meet again in heaven.”  

And meet again they did. 

Almost one month later, on April 2, 1863, Edward H. Brewer died of fever while at camp in Virginia. He is buried at Washington Street Cemetery in Middletown, CT. He was only 20 years old. 

So much loss. How sad! 

Edward H. Brewer
Middlesex County Historical Society

Edward Brewer (left) and Amos Fairchild (right)
Best friends and fellow soldiers

Name: George Brown, Private

No. of each grade: 10
Rank: Private
Age: 29
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: 2

Birthplace: Scotland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Missing in action on September 17, 1862 at Antietam, MD. Obviously killed.

Name: Albert R. Crittenden, Private

No. of each grade: 11
Rank: Private
Age: 19
Enlisted—When: August 11, 1862    
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Portland, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark Red
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on August 25, 1863. Wounded on February 6, 1864 at Morton’s Ford, VA.

My Notes: according to the 14th Conn. Necrological Committee Report for 1921, Albert Crittenden, at the age of 16, "entered the employ of Wilcox & Hall, ship chandlers." After the war, he returned to Middletown and "his former employer's, he became a salesman and traveled for 25 years over most of the norther states. In 1869 the firm was changed to Wilcox, Crittenden & Co." This is the same company that so many of the Young and Otis men worked for at various times. Albert Crittenden was also a founder of the Middlesex County Historical Society.

Albert R. Crittenden died on September 15, 1921 (age76) from “an illness of several months duration.” He is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

Albert R. Crittenden
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Samuel G. Camp, Private

No. of each grade: 12
Rank: Private
Age: 36
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Durham, CT
Residence: Durham, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on September 17, 1862 at Antietam, MD. Discharged on account of disability on March 3, 1863.

My Notes: Samuel G. Camp died on February 5, 1905 (age 79) from “chronic nephritis and senility.” He is buried at Durham Cemetery in Durham, CT.

Name: Ashbel A. Clark, Private

No. of each grade: 13
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Brown
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

My Notes:  Read more about Ashbel A. Clark on my page "Maromas Men in the Civil War."

Name: Thomas Capper, Private

No. of each grade: 14
Rank: Private
Age: 33
Enlisted—When: July 25, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: England
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on May 3, 1863 at Chancellorsville, VA. Transferred to 41st Co., 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged on August 15, 1865, term expired.

Name: Alpheus D. Clark, Private

No. of each grade: 15
Rank: Private
Age: 26
Enlisted—When: August 1, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Transferred to 57th Co., 2d Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps on September 9, 1863. Promoted Corporal. Transferred to 50th Co., 2nd Battalion, on October 18, 1865. Promoted Captain Co. D, 122nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, on January 20, 1865. Discharged January 17, 1866.

My Notes: Alpheus Diodez Clark (1836-1900) was born in Middletown, and at one time lived in the Maromas area. I'm not sure if at the time of enlistment he was living in Maromas or another area of Middletown. Nonetheless, when he lived in Maromas, he was was the individual who signed Elizabeth Bailey Young’s will as “distributor,” at the age of 21 (Elizabeth Bailey Young was Daniel Otis' grandmother). Also, Alpheus used to work at the quarries in Maromas, and in the winter-time he also taught at the little red school house in Maromas. Actually, he was Daniel Otis' school teacher in 1856, when Daniel was 9 years-old.

The May, 1900 "The Weekly Gazette" newspaper says of Alpheus that he "died Wednesday morning at 11:45 o' clock. He was taken with an attack of the grip about four weeks ago from which he partially recovered. He was taken down again with bronchitis and was unable to rally..." "He left behind a widow to whom he had been married one year, and a son by a former wife." Alpheus D. Clark was 64 years old and is buried at Wassuc Cemetery in Glastonbury, CT.

Alpheus D. Clark
Middlesex County Historical Society
Name: Jeremiah E. Corbett, Private

No. of each grade: 16
Rank: Private
Age: 18 (My note: actually, he was 16. He lied.)
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Hartford, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on March 23, 1865. Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Jeremiah E. Corbett died on March 22, 1918 (age 72) and is buried at Lone Tree Cemetery (Soldier's Field) in Hayward, CA.

Name: Marvin Cook, Private

No. of each grade: 17
Rank: Private
Age: 40
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT
Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on January 28, 1863.

My Notes: Well, this is tragic! He survives the war, but returns home, only to be shot by accident! 
The Middletown newspaper, “The Constitution” says: “Marvin Cook of Westfield [a district in Middletown], in this town, while out fox hunting on Tuesday, met with a terrible accident. He was standing, leaning upon his gun with his left shoulder directly over the muzzle, when it accidently explode, shattering his entire arm in a most fearful manner. It is feared that he cannot recover.” 

And he didn’t recover, poor soul. Marvin Cook died on January 2, 1869 (age 47) and is buried at Old East Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

Name: John Cody, Private

No. of each grade: 18
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Wiston, Great Britian
Residence: Haddam, CT
Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 11 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on January 4, 1864. Promoted to Sergeant on April 26, 1864. Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Cody was one of the few soldiers in Co. B who emerged from the war unscathed from both wounds and illness! John Cody died on August 31, 1892 (age 47) at Fitch’s Home for Soldiers in Darien, CT. He is buried at Higganum Cemetery in Haddam, CT.

Name: William H. Clark, Private

No. of each grade: 19
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: July 20, 1862 
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Cromwell, CT
Residence: Cromwell, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865. Note: the book, “History of The Fourteenth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry,” by Charles D. Page, shows Private William Clark as enlisting on July 30, 1862, whereas the Muster Roll shows him as enlisting July 20, 1862.

My Notes: William H. Clark died on April 19, 1922 (age 83) from “general arterial sclerosis.” He is buried at Fairview Cemetery in New Britain, CT. He was born in Cromwell, CT on December 6, 1840 and worked as an “iron moulder,” after the war. 

Not sure why William's name is crossed out. A few of the men's signatures were crossed out. Nonetheless, I added it here anyway.

Name: Charles S. Crowell, Private

Rank: Private
Age: 23
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862    
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 10 ½ inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Transferred to 41st Co., 2d Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps on December 2, 1863. Discharged on August 4, 1865.

My Notes: Before the war Crowell was employed as an “iron moulder.” After the war, he returned to the same occupation and years later, carpentry work. In the last years of his life, he managed a small farm. Charles Crowell died on January 11, 1917 (age 78) from “bronchial pneumonia.” He is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

Name: Heman F. Crowell, Private

No. of each grade: 21
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862    
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on January 4, 1864. Wounded on May 5, 1864 at Wilderness, VA. Mustered out on with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Crowell was wounded in the breast at the battle of the Wilderness. After the war he engaged in farming. The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1881," says that “his pleasant ways and kind words endeared him to his comrades and other friends. His wife writes of his very frequent references to his old comrades and that during his last sickness his mind seemed to dwell on olden times when he was in the war, and upon his associates there.”

Heman F. Crowell died on December 6, 1880 (age 39) from “consumption, which unfitted him for labor for more than a year.” He is buried at Windham Cemetery in Windham, CT. 

Name: Earl T. Campbell, Private

No. of each grade: 22
Rank: Private
Age: 25
Enlisted—When: August 19, 1862    
Enlisted—Where: Hartford, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Schoharie, NY 
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 ½ inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on January 23, 1863.

Name: William H. Dean, Private

No. of each grade: 23
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Southington, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Mustered in as a Private. Promoted to Corporal on February 9, 1863. Promoted to Sergeant on October 25, 1863. Wounded on May 6, 1864 at Wilderness, VA. Mustered out on with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: William H. Dean died on January 19, 1915 (age 73) from “diabetes.” He is buried at West Lawn Cemetery in Letcher, SD. 

The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1915,” says that Dean was "promoted Corporal February 9th, 1862, Sergeant October 25, 1863. Wounded in Wilderness battle May 6th, 1864. It is interesting to relate that he was shot through the body, the ball entering below the pit of the stomach and passing out near his backbone. Comrades toted him nearly half a mile and delivered him to a surgeon of ambulance who examined him, turned and denounced his Comrades for bringing off a mortally wounded Comrade when the less severely wounded they should have saved. A soldier of B Co. was near with an ambulance he had charge of and the boys persuaded him to take Billy in. He helped them get him in and on the road to Fredericksburg. Three weeks later, Billy was on his feet, his wound healing, and able to eat soft food. He fully recovered and was mustered out with the Regiment May 31, 1865. He early went West, took up a farm and made good, took up hotel business and made more good to the end.” 

What a great story of survival and friendship! Truly a miracle recovery. 

Name: Dwight Davis, Private

No. of each grade: 24
Rank: Private
Age: 28
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: Canterbury, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 10 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded May 5, 1864 at Wilderness, VA. Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Dwight Davis died on April 1, 1889 (age 55) from “suicide.” He is buried at Canterbury Cemetery in Canterbury, CT. I wonder if his suicide had anything to do with the war—perhaps unresolved psychological wounds, or even a long-healed physical wound that gave him a lot of trouble, and thus causing depression. There was no professional mental support for these veterans back in the day. Many of them suffered in silence or turned to the bottle. Dwight left behind a wife. 

Name: Patrick Dailey, Private

No. of each grade: 25
Rank: Private
Age: 29
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Ireland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Wounded on July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Promoted Corporal on October 25, 1863. Transferred to United States Navy on May 5, 1865. Served on the U.S.S. “Admiral” and “Fort Morgan.” Deserted on October 31, 1864.

Name: William Eck, Private

No. of each grade: 26
Rank: Private
Age: 23
Enlisted—When: July 16, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Prussia
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Deserted August 25, 1862.

Name: Hiram H. Fox, Private

No. of each grade: 27
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Promoted to Corporal on April 26, 1864. Wounded on May 6, 1864 at Wilderness, VA. Wounded on October 27, 1864 at Boydton Plant Road. Mustered out on with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: From the 14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1914, “Our comrade [Fox] was born in Middletown, on October 15, 1843 and grew to young manhood with a large number of the boys who went to war in B Co., with him….His breath was knocked out him at Antietam, September 17, ’62, by solid shot going into the ground a few feet in front of him and passing through the earth under him. The effect was to lift him from the ground nearly a yard and to drop him so suddenly that all thought him dead, but a dose of water in his face and vigorous rubbing soon rallied him, he would not leave the flied but remained through the battle…There was no man who loved the old Regiment better than Hiram H. Fox and no man was more popular than he.”

Hiram H. Fox died on December 14, 1913 (age 70). Cause of death: Valvular trouble of the heart. Buried at: Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT

Hiram H. Fox
Durham Historical Society

Name: Amos H. Fairchild, Private

No. of each grade: 28
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Newington, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Brown
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Died March 8, 1863 (per the 14th CT Regimental book)

My Notes: the Middletown newspaper "The Constitution," of March 18, 1863, says of Amos, "The deceased had been sick for a long time, and some weeks since his mother had gone down and attended him, remaining with him until he appeared to be out of danger and nearly recovered. His speedy arrival home was anticipated. On Monday evening last, his friends received intelligence of his death. The event had taken place that morning, and was unexpected to himself and his attendants." Amos Fairchild's best friend and fellow soldier, Edward Brewer would follow him to the grave about one month later, dying on April 2, 1863 of fever.

Amos H. Fairchild is buried at New Farm Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT. His gravestone says that he died on March 9, 1863. He was 22 years old. 

Amos H. Fairchild
Middlesex County Historical Society

Edward Brewer (left) and Amos Fairchild (right)
Best friends and fellow soldiers

Name: Franklin M. Goff

No. of each grade: 29
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 10 inches
Color Eyes: Brown
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Franklin M. Goff died on June 11, 1917 (age 72) from “uremia,” which is a  life-threatening condition that occurs when the kidneys no longer filter properly, therefore an abnormally high level of waste products accumulate in the blood. A contributory factor to his death was “chronic interstitial nephritis,” which is another kidney disorder. He is buried at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Los Angeles, CA.
Name: Ira A. Graham, Private

No. of each grade: 30
Rank: Private
Age: 19
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Berlin, CT
Residence: Durham, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on October 25, 1863. Promoted to Sergeant on January 4, 1864. Appointed Sergeant-Major on March 26, 1864.

My Notes: Graham was shot through the right breast at the second battle of Hatcher’s Run (VA) on March 25, 1865. The wound affected his lungs. Falling ill, he died on July 16, 1869 (age 26), and is buried at Durham Cemetery in Durham, CT.

Ira A. Graham
Middlesex County Historical Society

Another signature crossed out. ????

Name: Charles H. Galpin, Private

No. of each grade: 31
Rank: Private
Age: 24
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Brown
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded September 17, 1862 at Antietam, MD. Discharged on account of disability on December 31, 1862.

My Notes: Charles Galpin recovered from his wounds received at Antietam and re-enlisted as a Private in Company M and later in Company I of 1st Regiment of Volunteer Cavalry (CT). The wound received at Antietam eventually forced him to transfer to Company C, 7th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. He was promoted to Corporal. He was discharged on August 2, 1865. 

Charles H. Galpin died on May 21, 1910 (age 74) and is buried at Minor Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

Name: Thomas Gleeson, Private

No. of each grade: 32
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Ireland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Wounded May 6, 1864 at Wilderness, VA. Deserted on April 18, 1865.

Name: Augustus Guild, Private

No. of each grade: 33
Rank: Private
Age: 29
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: West Roxbury, Mass.
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Discharged on June 5, 1865.

My Notes: Guild received his wounds at Gettysburg when Rebel artillery hit a fence, propelling the rails into the air. One of the rails landed on Guild, crushing him. His fellow soldiers carried him to the rear for medical help. His wounds were so severe that he was hospitalized for nearly two years! He was discharged from the military and returned to Middletown. 

Daniel’s first cousin, once-removed, Hattie L. Young (who was the daughter of Daniel’s first cousin, Robert C. Young), married August Guild’s son, Frederick A. Guild in 1884. They had two children together. Sometime before 1910, they divorced. 

Augustus Guild died on February 11, 1899 (age 71) and is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT

Name: William H. Hall, Private

No. of each grade: 34
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 20, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Hartford, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Gates, NY
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 3 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on April 26, 1864. Wounded on May 10, 1864 at Laurel Hill, VA. Discharged on account of disability on February 14, 1865.

My Notes: William H. Hall was the last surviving veteran of Captian Elijah W. Gibbons’, Company B, 14th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry! 

According the newspaper, “The Deep River New Era,” February 16, 1934, “Mr. Hall had been temporarily disturbed during the day with an upset stomach. About 6 o’ clock he felt better and remarked that he would be alright while members of the family left him temporarily to prepare their evening meal. As they turned to leave the room, Mr. Hall without the slightest struggle, quietly took his departure.”

The paper continues, “Injuries which he received in the Battle of Laurel Hill (VA) in May, 1864, had caused him to be semi-invalid for many years…Since the death of Francis Frank, several years ago, Mr. Hall had been the only Civil War veteran to participate in the Memorial Day program in this place. This he was able to do only by the aid of the members of the Richard W. Ibell Post, who held the aged veteran in high and loving esteem."

William Hall died on February 14, 1934 (age 89) of “old age,” and is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

Name: Samuel Huxham, Private

No. of each grade: 35
Rank: Private
Age: 24
Enlisted—When: August 8, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: England
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on February 9, 1863. Killed on July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA.

My Notes: On July 3, 1863, Sergeant Benjamin Hirst, of Company D, 14th Connecticut, said this about Huxham: “I found one of the men I was to relieve, dead at his post. He was shot through the head and from his position seemed to be taking aim at a Rebel. I didn’t know he was dead until I put my hand upon his shoulder, and spoke to him.” 

No doubt, he was killed instantly.

Samuel Huxham was the brother-in-law of Company B Captain, Elijah W. Gibbons. Both Samuel and Elijah are buried beside each other at Mortimer Cemetery in Middletown, CT. Samuel left behind a wife and a year-old son. He was only 25 years-old when he died. 

See Sergeant Hirst's excellent Civil War narrative, "The Boys From Rockville."

I adore this picture with the hint of a smile!

Samuel Huxham
Middlesex County Historical Society

Baby Samuel Huxham, Jr., son of Private Samuel Huxham
It's not often that photos of soldier's children are available, so I included this here. 

Name: Joseph H. Hilliker, Private

No. of each grade: 36
Rank: Private
Age: 18 (he was actually 15 or 16. He lied.)
Enlisted—When: July 26, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 4 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Discharged on account of disability on April 2, 1863.

My Notes: Joseph Hilliker enlisted two days after his older brother William B. Hilliker (age 18). Like so many family relations, no doubt, Joseph enlisted to be alongside his brother, even going so far as to lie about his age, saying he was 18, when he was actually 15. At the Battle of Fredericksburg, his eye was shot out. Tragically, his older brother William was killed out right at the same time, with his body never being recovered. Joseph Hilliker died on August 4, 1910 (age 63) from "malarial fever." He is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown.

Name: William B. Hilliker, Private

No. of each grade: 37
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: July 24, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 4 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Killed on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA.

My Notes: William B. Hilliker enlisted two days before his younger brother Joseph H. Hilliker did. Jospeh, wanting to be with his older brother, lied about his age to enlist. Joseph's eye was shot out at the Battle of Fredericksburg, and William was killed out right. His body was never recovered.

Name: Clark P. Holmes, Private

No. of each grade: 38
Rank: Private
Age: 35
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Two

Birthplace: West Stafford, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Captured on October 27, 1864 at Boydton Plant Road, VA. Paroled on February 17, 1865. Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Clark P. Holmes died on February 16, 1894 (age 67) and is buried at Montour Cemetery in Montour Falls, NY. 

The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1894,” says that Holmes “will be remembered as having served as regimental hospital nurse for a long time, proving capable, faithful and efficient. He was captured at Boydton Plank Road, October 27, 1864, and paroled February 1865, having spent all the period of his captivity in rebel prisons at Richmond, VA, and Salisbury, NC. He was mustered out with the regiment, May 31, 1865.” 

Name: Robert Hubbard, Private

No. of each grade: 39
Rank: Private
Age: 31
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Killed on September 17, 1862 at Antietam, MD.

My Notes: Tragically, Robert Hubbard was killed not by enemy fire, but mistakenly by one of his own comrades in Company B. Corporal Elnathan Tyler said of the incident at the Battle of Antietam: "It was just as we were rising from the ground...that a rifle in Co. B was accidentally discharged, and we saw one of our members, one of the best men in the company, Robert Hubbard, lying upon the ground writhing in the agony of a mortal wound. Captain Gibbons ordered the wounded man to be carried to the rear, and the lesson he impressed upon the men as to handling loaded fire-arms is vividly recalled by the writer." 

Robert Hubbard's body was temporarily buried near the battlefield and eventually disinterred and reburied at New Farm Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT. There is no record as to who the soldier was that fired the accidental (and fatal) shot that took the life of Robert Hubbard. He was 31 years old. 

Robert Hubbard
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Daniel B. Hubbard, Private

No. of each grade: 40
Rank: Private
Age: 22
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Collinsville, PA
Residence: Higganum, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 1/2 inches (that reads: five and one-half inches)
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on January 19, 1863.

My Notes: Daniel Hubbard fought at Antietam, but thereafter, was taken out of the ranks by disease. He died on November 15, 1901 (age 61), and is buried at Higganum Cemetery in Haddam, CT.

Name: Gilbert H. Hubbard, Private

No. of each grade: 41
Rank: Private
Age: 19
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Higganum, CT
Residence: Higganum, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on June 19, 1863.

My Notes: Gilbert Hubbard fought at Antietam where he was wounded, but thereafter, was taken out of the ranks by disease—camp measles, which nearly blinded him, along with chronic diarrhea. How awful! He died on April 5, 1882 from "pneumonia and pleurisy," and is buried at Higganum Cemetery in Haddam, CT. 

Name: James Inglis, Private

No. of each grade: 42
Rank: Private
Age: 18 (he was actually 16. He lied.)
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Scotland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on January 4, 1864. Wounded on February 6, 1864 at Morton’s Ford, VA. Discharged on account of disability on June 12, 1865.

My Notes: Inglis was shot in the left leg at Morton’s Ford (VA) on November 6, 1864, incapacitating him for work or service, and form almost a year he had to use crutches. He died in 1925 (age 79), and is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

Name: Malcolm S. Ingham, Private

No. of each grade: 43
Rank: Private
Age: 25
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: New Haven, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Brown
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on February 14, 1863.

My Notes: Malcolm S. Ingham died in 1907 (age 71) from “Bright’s Disease,” which is a historical classification of kidney diseases that would be described in modern medicine as acute or chronic nephritis. He is buried at Foster Cemetery in Topeka, KS.

The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1910,” says that Ingham served in Co. B until “February 14, 1863, when, his health being broken, he was discharged for disability.” The report goes on to say that some time after the war he moved to Kansas “and acquired a farm, on which he settled down to the life of a farmer. He is survived by his wife and three sons.” 

Name: William H. Johnson, Sr., Private

No. of each grade: 44
Rank: Private
Age: 40
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Six

Birthplace: East Windsor, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Killed on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA.

My Notes: William H. Johnson enlisted with his eldest son and namesake, William H. Johnson, Jr. on August 5, 1862. William, Sr. was assigned as the cook of Company B, but after several unsuccessful meals, the soldiers voted to fairly distribute the food and cook it themselves! It was that bad, huh? William, Sr. was “killed in action” at the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13, 1862. His remains were never found. His son, William, Jr., was severely wounded in the same battle, but not killed.

William H. Johnson, Sr.
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: William H. Johnson, Jr., Private

No. of each grade: 45
Rank: Private
Age: 19
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: East Windsor, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Promoted Corporal on October 1, 1862. Wounded on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Transferred to Company F, 3d Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps on July 13, 1863. Reduced to ranks on August 21, 1863. Discharged on July 6, 1865.

My Notes: William's wound that he received at the Battle of Fredericksburg kept him in the hospital for six months. According to the "14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1912," William Johnson, when discharged, “returned to Middletown and ran the engine at Wilcox & Hall, [and] also worked as a machinist and later entered the service of the Valley R.R. as engineer. He became a popular engineer, and was in the service of the N.Y., N.H. & H. road when he died, having worked for them for upwards of thirty years. Our comrade leaves a widow, three sons, and two daughters.”

William Johnson Jr. died on November 8, 1912 (age 70) from "apoplexy," which is unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral hemorrhage or stroke. He is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

Name: Sherman Johnson, Private

No. of each grade: 46
Rank: Private
Age: 22
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Mustered out with the Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Read more about Sherman Johnson on my page "Maromas Men in the Civil War."
Name: Wilbur W. Johnson, Private

No. of each grade: 47
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Haddam, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 4 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Appointed hospital steward on January 1, 1863.

My Notes: After Wilbur Johnson’s military service, he studied to become a medical doctor. How wonderful for him that he found his life’s career while in the Army. He then moved to Memphis, TN with his new wife to set up a practice. His wife gave birth to their first child, but four days later, she died on May 14, 1872, and then four days after that, the baby died. Tragically, four months later—to the day—Wilbur W. Johnson died on August 14, 1872 at age 31. 

His cause of death is listed as “unknown,” but if I was a betting gal, I’d put my money on a “broken heart.” He is buried at Burr District Cemetery in Haddam, CT along with his wife and infant son. 

Name: Austin Judd, Private

No. of each grade: 48
Rank: Private
Age: 28
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: New Britain, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on May 3, 1863 at Chancellorsville, VA. Died on June 9, 1863.

My Notes: Private Judd has such a kind face, so I wanted add a bit more info about him here. The Middletown newspaper "The Constitution," for June 10, 1863 says: 

"Another From the 14th.—We learn with regret of the death of Austin Judd, of this town, South Farms, a member of the 14th regiment. He died on Friday last in the hospital at Washington. Mr. Judd was wounded in the hand at the battle of Chancellorsville. The wound was not considered at all dangerous at the time, but became very troublesome, and disabled him from all active duty. He was also taken sick, but no apprehensions were felt by his friends until last week, when his wife went on to see him. She reached his bedside but an hour before he died. His death is a heavy calamity to her and a sad bereavement to his child. Mr. Judd was highly respected in the community where he lived, and leaves a large circle of friends."

And the June 17, 1863, "The Constitution," says: "The funeral of Mr. Austin Judd, of the 14th Conn., who died from a wound received at the battle of Chancellorsville, was attended at his late residence in the Farms on Thursday. Rev. Mr. Hubbell, of the Methodist church, officiated. There was a large concourse of people, and the Odd Fellows, of which organization he was a member, were present. The remains were interred on Farms Hill Cemetery."

Note--the remains of Austin Judd were exhumed from Farm Hill Cemetery and moved to West Cemetery in Bristol, CT.

Austin Judd
Middlesex County Historical Society
Name: Christian H. King, Private

No. of each grade: 49
Rank: Private
Age: 37
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Four

Birthplace: Germany
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on January 19, 1863.

My Notes: Christian King's original German surname was Koenig.

Name: James Kearns, Private

No. of each grade: 50
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Wounded on March 31, 1864 at Hatcher’s Run, VA. Discharged on account of disability on July 10, 1865.

My Notes: My Notes: The Official Muster Roll spelled his name "Kernes," but obviously that is a typo, as James spells his name "Kearns," per his signature. Or, maybe nobody knows how to spell his name, as the surname on his gravestone is spelled “Keirnes.” So, I'm spelling his name the way HE wrote it. 

James was badly wounded in the arm and sent to a military hospital in New Haven, CT. From there he was discharged and returned to Middletown. James Kearns died on December 25, 1897 (age 53) and is buried at New Saint John Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

Name: Eugene W. Kenyon, Private

No. of each grade: 51
Rank: Private
Age: 19
Enlisted—When: August 7, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Penn Yan, NY
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Died December 31, 1862.

My Notes: Eugene Kenyon became ill at  Warrenton, VA while on march toward Fredericksburg. He was then transferred to a hospital in Washington, D.C. where he died from a lung disease at age 19. This is so tragic! He was so young!

Eugene W. Kenyon was brought back home and buried at Minor Cemetery in Middletown, CT.

Name: David B. Lincoln, Private

No. of each grade: 52
Rank: Private
Age: 28
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Died on December 17, 1862 (source: "History of The Fourteenth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry,” by Charles D. Page

My Notes: David Lincoln’s date of death is wrong.

I think David Lincoln will forever be entwined with the other soldier he was wounded with, Daniel H. Otis.

Both David B. Lincoln and Daniel H. Otis were mortally wounded by the same artillery shell as they crossed a millrace bridge at the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13, 1862. While the shell nearly severed both of David’s legs, it took one of Daniel’s legs off. Their Corporal, Elnathan B. Tyler, is very specific when he says, “The Reb shell that burst on the little bridge crossing the canal on Prussian Street near the old depot just as Co. B was crossing, deprived us of 2 good men. D.B. Lincoln and D.H. Otis. Both were terribly mangled, and Lincoln died the same evening while Otis lived a day or two longer. He was one of the youngest and one of the best members of Co. B.” Bold is mine.

I’m not going re-hash it here, but I wrote about this on the page: “Daniel H. Otis: His Story,” and I go over the discrepancies of both soldier’s dates of death on the page: “Military Service Records for Private Daniel H. Otis.”

The book, “Souvenir Excursion to Battlefields,” by the Society for the 14th Connecticut Regiment, had this to say: “Near the south porch (of the house) lay our Lincoln (David), his two legs dangling from the trunk by naught but the slender cords,” 14th Connecticut Chaplain Henry Stevens recalled. “Though the sight of his poor, mangled form forced out our tears, his smile was beatific as he gave us words of love for his young wife and friends and expressed his devotion to his country and his readiness to die.” As Chaplain Stevens visited with the stricken private, an artillery shell narrowly missed Lincoln, who had no hope of surviving his grievous wounds. “We buried him in the garden, taking sixty seconds of precious time for a little service at his grave.”

David Lincoln's “young wife,” was Adelaide A. Hough, and when David was killed, she was pregnant with their first child—a girl, who she named Estelle. Wherever the plot of that long-forgotten garden may have been, is where any remains of David B. Lincoln may still reside, mingling with the earth he was interred in.

David B. Lincoln
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Joseph McClusky, Private

No. of each grade: 53
Rank: Private
Age: 33
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Ireland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 3/4 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Wounded on September 17, 1862 at Antietam, MD. Promoted to Corporal on October 25, 1863. Promoted to Sergeant on April 20, 1864. Wounded on May 12, 1864 at Spotsylvania  VA. Died May 25, 1864.

My Notes: Joseph McClusky's final resting place is now lost to time, his remains have never been recovered. 

Joseph McClusky
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: William Murdock, Private

No. of each grade: 54
Rank: Private
Age: 23
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Scotland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Dark
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on October 1, 1862. Promoted to Sergeant on February 9, 1863. Appointed Sergeant-Major on October 20, 1863.

My Notes: On May 6, 1864, during fighting in the Wilderness, Murdock was wounded in the right leg. He recovered, and eventually died on April 29, 1924 (age 87). He is buried at Spring Grove Cemetery in Hartford, CT. 

William Murdock
Durham Historical Society

Name: Hugh McBrayne, Private

No. of each grade: 55
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Scotland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Dark
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded September 17, 1862 at Antietam, MD. Discharged on account of disability on December 3, 1863.

My Notes: The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1905” says that he was “of good Scotch parentage,” and that he “was one of the first to enlist April 20, 1861, A Co., 2d Conn. Infantry, for three months…He worked in Middletown at his trade till August 4, 1862, when he enlisted in B Co, and served with us till Sept. 17, when he was severely wounded in the thigh.” 

Hugh McBrayne died on September 2, 1905 (age 67) from “general debility.” He is buried at Fairview Cemetery in New Britain, CT. 

Name: William W. Miller, Private

No. of each grade: 56
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 1, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

My Notes: The 1860 Census shows 15 year-old William working as a “Pattern Maker Apprentice.” William Wallace Miller was killed while on picket duty in Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 15, 1864. He was only 20 years-old, and is buried at Mortimer Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

Someone must have cared for him very much, as they gave him a celebrated epitaph on his headstone. Part of it reads: “NOBLE BOY! NO TRUER SOLDIER EVER FOUGHT OR FELL IN DEFENCE OF LIBERTY & OUR GLORIOUS UNION.” If the reader is ever at Mortimer Cemetery, do seek him out and take a look.

William W. Miller
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: James H. Marble, Private

No. of each grade: 57
Rank: Private
Age: 27
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: Haddam, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Discharged on account of disability on February 14, 1863.

My Notes: James H. Marbled died on January 24, 1913 (age 79) from “cancer of the stomach.” He is buried at Forest Hills Cemetery in Boston, MA. 

The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1913,” says of Marble that “he served with sharing all our glory up to the battle of Fredericksburg…where he was severely wounded. This ran him down to a skeleton and on Feb. 14, ’63, he was discharged and sent home to die, as all believed, but the faithful services of his good wife, and others of his household succeeded in saving his life which for nearly a year hung in the balance.” 

The report goes on to say that when well enough, he went into a general building business (he was a carpenter by trade), “which he ran successfully for years…many of us well remember his jokes and his very sober air as he flung them at us, and how he gave detailed plans of the next move we were to make, all of which he claimed to have been revealed to him by “an Intelligent Contraband.” 

Enjoyed the bit of personal insight into Marble's "deadpan" humor! 

Name: George S. May, Private

No. of each grade: 58
Rank: Private
Age: 27
Enlisted—When: July 30, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Killed on May 6, 1864 at Wilderness, VA. 

My Notes: the remains of George S. May have never been recovered. 

George S. May
Middlesex County Historical Society
Name: Frederick B. Nye, Private

No. of each grade: 59
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: East Haddam, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6  1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Promoted to Sergeant on May 25, 1864. Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Frederick B. Nye died on February 5, 1907 (age 64) from “paralysis,” and is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

His father was Middletown physician, Elisha B. Nye. The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1907” says that “while at Stony Mountain, Virginia, he was detailed for recruiting service, and sent to New Haven, where he served till June, and when he rejoined the Regiment we were in action at Cold Harbor. He fell into line, and bore his part in the balance of the fight…Of his life since the war we know little. We remember the virtues of our comrade.” 

Name: Daniel H. Otis, Private

No. of each grade: 60
Rank: Private
Age: 18 (My note: actually, he was 15. He lied.)
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5  1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Brown
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

My Notes: Wounded on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Died in Falmouth, VA on December 16/17, 1862. This entire site is dedicated to Daniel H. Otis and his family, so I'm not going to reiterate everything here. Please see the page "Daniel H. Otis: His Story," and then work your way out from there. Lots to explore in the right side-bar of this site.

Also, please see my page "Maromas Men in the Civil War."

Daniel H. Otis
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Cyrus S. Priest, Private

No. of each grade: 61
Rank: Private
Age: 22
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9  1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Wounded on May 3, 1863 at Chancellorsville, VA. Transferred to 159th Co. 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps on September 14, 1864. Discharged on July 5, 1865.

My Notes: At Chancellorsville, Priest received a gunshot wound to the shoulder. Cyrus S. Priest died on July 6, 1891 (age 51) and is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery in Middletown, CT

Name: Wilbur Peck, Private

No. of each grade: 62
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Pawlet, VT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Wilbur Peck died on September 18, 1915 (age 71), and is buried at Sherman Cemetery in Sherman, NY. 

The "14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1916,” says that Peck “never left his Company until the war was over. He was in the front from the day we entered the war zone, until we were mustered out of the service, a remarkable record. Several times in battles, he had bullets shot through his clothing, but his flesh was not even scratched but once. Returning from the war, he went to New York State, purchased, and settled on a farm in Sherman, where he married, and settled down to a good wholesome life.” 
Name: I. Beauchamp Prior, Private

No. of each grade: 63
Rank: Private
Age: 19
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: An interesting name for the time! The name Beauchamp is a boy's name of Old-French origin meaning "the beautiful field," and pronounced "Beecham." Lovely!

The "14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1895," says the following about Beauchamp Prior: “Comrade I.B. Prior, Co. B, died at Cromwell, where he resided, January 12, 1895. He attended our last reunion but appeared sadly broken. He was a native of Middletown, from which place he enlisted August 5, 1862. He went straight on with the regiment, a good soldier, to the end, being mustered out at the general discharge May 31, 1865. He was one of the most regular and interested attendants of our meetings."

The report said that he “appeared sadly broken.” Poor guy. I wonder what was going on in his life to make him feel that way, and if that sadly broken state had anything to do with war trauma? 

I. Beauchamp Prior is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown. He was 51 years-old when he died.

Name: William Russell, Private

No. of each grade: 64
Rank: Private
Age: 38
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Scotland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 11 inches
Color Eyes: Black
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Died February 18, 1863.

My Notes: William Russell actually died from dysentery in Falmouth, VA. He was brought back home to Middletown and buried in Mortimer Cemetery. His gravestone says that he died February 10, but the Regimental for the 14th CT says he died on February 18. 

William Russell
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: David W. Robinson, Private

No. of each grade: 65
Rank: Private
Age: 35
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: Durham, CT
Residence: Durham, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Grey
Complexion: Light

Notes: Transferred to 82d Co. 2 Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps on April 22, 1864. Promoted to Corporal on September 1, 1864. Discharged on June 27, 1865.

My Notes: "The 14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1895," says: “Comrade David W. Robinson, Co. B, died at Durham, his home, September 21, 1894, aged sixty-seven years. He enlisted at Durham, August 5, 1862, [enlistment was actually in Middletown] was transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps April 22, 1864, and was discharged June 27, 1865. Before and after the ware he was a mechanic and a hardworking man—one of America’s noblemen. He was a man of excellent spirit and repute. He was usually present at our meetings, and his son says that there was never a day, even to the morning before he died, that he did not talk about his old comrades, and his delight was to rehearse his old army experiences and reiterate his opposition to secession."

Name: Joseph Schlichter, Private

No. of each grade: 66
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Germany
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): -- not listed on Muster Roll
Color Eyes: -- not listed on Muster Roll
Color Hair: -- not listed on Muster Roll
Complexion: -- not listed on Muster Roll

Notes: Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: Joseph is the only individual who has no height, eye color, hair color, or complexion color listed on the official Muster Roll. It's blank. I wonder why? Also, the way Joseph himself spells his surname in his signature is different than the way it appears on the Muster Roll. The signature actually looks like his name is spelled: "Sleighter?" And his gravestone spell it "Schlichter." 

Joseph Schlichter was born July 27, 1844 in Baden, Germany and worked as an “iron molder.” He was the 1st Vice President of the 14th CT Regimental Association in 1915. 

Joseph Schlichter died on November 28, 1933 (age 88) and is buried at Saint Joseph’s Cemetery in Willimantic, CT. 

Name: Joseph N. Shailer, Private

No. of each grade: 67
Rank: Private
Age: 45
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Two

Birthplace: Haddam, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on February 11, 1863.

Name: Martin W. Smith, Private

No. of each grade: 68
Rank: Private
Age: 22
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Haddam, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on January 17, 1863.

My Notes: Martin W. Smith died on October 11, 1933 (age 93) from “old age.” He is buried at Culver Cemetery in Culver, KS. He was a long-time farmer in Salina, KS. 

Name: William D. Smith, Private

No. of each grade: 69
Rank: Private
Age: 32
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: Four

Birthplace: Ireland
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Wounded on July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: According to the “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1917,” William Smith “was born in Dublin, Ireland, and came to this country when a young boy. He was employed at the Wilcox Lock Factory from that time he retired from active work in the year 1900…He is survived by his widow, two daughters, three grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.” 

William Digby Smith died on August 20, 1917 (age 85) and is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

Name: William H. Spencer, Private

No. of each grade: 70
Rank: Private
Age: 31
Enlisted—When: August 4, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: One

Birthplace: Haddam, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 5 1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on February 1, 1863.

My Notes: Spencer was discharged from Company B for “Epilepsy and debility caused by exposure.” However, he re-enlisted on January 5, 1864 with Company A, 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery. But, about 6-months later, his medical issues would lead to a second discharge. 

William H. Spencer died on June 10, 1912 (age 82) from “carcinoma of intestines and obstruction.” He is buried at River View Cemetery in East Haddam, CT. 

Name: Edwin Stroud, Private

No. of each grade: 71
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Promoted to Corporal on February 9, 1863. Wounded on May 3, 1863 at Chancellorsville, VA. Promoted to Sergeant on November 20, 1863. Wounded on May 10, 1864 at Po River, VA. Transferred to Co. K 2d Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps on February 5, 1865. Discharged on July 3, 1865.

My Notes: Po River is a river in Spotsylvania, VA.

Edwin Stroud died on March 5, 1919 (age 77), and is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery in Middletown, CT. The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1919" says that “a few months previous to his death, he underwent a serious operation and never fully recovered.”

The report goes on to say that he “enlisted May 7, 1861 in Co. A, 2d Connecticut Infantry, for three months, served through the Bull Run Campaign and was mustered out on August 7, 1861. On August 5, 1862, he re-enlisted [with Co. B, 14th CT]…During the engagement at Bristow Station, VA, Sergeant Stroud brought in five rebel prisoners whom he had captured single-handed. On May 10, 1864, at Po River, VA, he received a gunshot wound in the foot which crippled him for active service.”

The report also mentions that Stroud was employed as a bookkeeper after the war, and that he even went to Texas and raised cotton for six years! He returned to Middletown and eventually purchased a laundry business. 

Name: James H. Sage, Private

No. of each grade: 72
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Cromwell, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Brown
Color Hair: Red
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Promoted to Corporal on October 25, 1863. Discharged on account of disability on November 12, 1863.

My Notes: James Sage received a head wound at Gettysburg and while in the hospital, he came down with “chronic diarrhea,” which left him so weak that he was discharged. James Henry Sage died in 1925 (age 84), and is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery in Middletown, Connecticut. 

Name: Andrew Shirer, Private

No. of each grade: 73
Rank: Private
Age: 23
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Germany
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 3 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Died January 3, 1863.

My Notes: Again, the way an individual spelled their surname in their signature differed from the spelling on their gravestone! The way Andrew spelled his name in his signature is: “Shirer,” yet on his gravestone the surname is spelled “Scheurer.” I left his name spelled the way HE signed it. 

Andrew Shirer died on January 3, 1863 (age 24) from typhoid fever at the General Hospital in Washington, DC. He is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery in Middletown, CT. Shirer was born in Germany. 

Andrew Shirer
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Nelson L. Stowe, Private

No. of each grade: 74
Rank: Private
Age: 26
Enlisted—When: August 8, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Waterbury, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Frederick J. Seymour
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Millford, CT
Residence: Waterbury, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 7 inches
Color Eyes: Dark
Color Hair: Black
Complexion: Light

Notes: Mustered in as Private. Detailed as Musician. Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: The paper called “The Milford News,” says that Stowe was “one of the musicians who started a concert during the battle of Chancellorsville to stop a retreat of the 132nd Penn Volunteers who were attacked by Stonewall Jackson.” Nelson L. Stowe died in 1933 and is buried at Milford Cemetery in Milford, CT. 

Name: William E. Starr, Private

No. of each grade: 75
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 11, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Dark

Notes: Discharged on account of disability on December 11, 1862.

My Notes: William Edward Starr was the eldest son of the highly-respected, Elihu W.N. Starr. 

The Starr family was prominent in Middletown, and had been making swords and firearms there since the late 1700’s. In his youth, Elihu W. N. Starr attended the academy that later became Wesleyan University, and though he wasn’t a volunteer soldier, he had a lifelong association with the military, being an important member of the Connecticut State Militia, and one of the founders of the Mansfield Guards.

Elihu W.N. Starr was a one-time Adjutant General of Connecticut, and later Judge of Probate, Town Clerk, Treasurer, and Justice of the Peace in Middletown. As mentioned elsewhere on this site, he was the individual who not only certified Erastus Otis’ cause of death (Private Daniel Otis’ father), but he was also the one who asked all of Elijah Gibbons’ new recruits to raise their right hand and repeat an oath, swearing to support the Union. Obviously, he asked this of his own son, William Edward Starr, too. 

Being the prominent family they were, it seemed as if the life of private infantry soldier wasn’t quite good enough for Elihu Starr’s son, William, because he and his wife began to write letters to friends and acquaintances, attempting to secure a commission for their son. 

Though they weren’t successful in their attempts, William did serve as a clerk at General French’s headquarters, along with his cousin and fellow enlistee, Edward Brewer. Both cousins often got to dine together at headquarters too. 

These seemingly “cushy” positions that William Starr and his cousin Edward Brewer secured for themselves are what the combat soldiers called “bombproof” jobs—positions that were a safe distance behind the lines. 

Nonetheless, William didn’t get away unscathed, because the “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1923” says: “While a clerk at General French’s headquarters he was stricken with typhoid fever, and after several weeks in a hospital, was discharged for disability on December 11, 1862. For over 50 years Comrade Starr has been employed as bookkeeper by several of the New York City banks. He was 31 years with the National City Bank, leaving that institution when crippled by rheumatism…He is survived by one brother and one sister.” 

William Edward Starr died on August 11, 1923 (age 82) and is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

William Edward Starr (center),
poses with his two brothers, Henry Barnard Starr (left),
and Frank Farnsworth Starr (right)
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Louis Senglaub, Private

No. of each grade: 76
Rank: Private
Age: 26
Enlisted—When: August 8, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Waterbury, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Frederick J. Seymour
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: Yes
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Germany
Residence: Waterbury, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Florid

Notes: Appointed Principal Musician on May 1, 1863.

My Notes: The "14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1904," says that Senglaub died on March 19, “killed by a railroad train…He was born in Germany in 1836…He had prior service in Co. A, 2d Conn. Inf., from June 7 to August 7, 1861. He was an admirable and popular leader of our band.”   

Louis Senglaub is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery in Middletown, CT. He was 67 years old. 

Name: William Taylor, Private

No. of each grade: 77
Rank: Private
Age: 26
Enlisted—When: August 6, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 6 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on May 10, 1864 at Laurel Hill, VA. Mustered out with Company on May 31, 1865.

My Notes: On May 10, 1864, at the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, Taylor was wounded in the arm and shoulder. 

Sadly, not long after the war, William Taylor died on March 21, 1870 (age 34) from “consumption.” He is buried at Higganum Cemetery in Haddam, CT. 

Name: John E. Vandervoort, Private

No. of each grade: 78
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Residence: Durham, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 10 inches
Color Eyes: Dark
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA. Transferred to Co. F, 3d Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps on July 13, 1863. Detailed as Musician on August 18, 1863. Returned to ranks on October 4, 1864. Discharged on account of disability on January 25, 1865.

My Notes: The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1916,” says that Vandervoort “shared our career to the full until the Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862, [when] he was wounded. When somewhat recovered of his wound, he was transferred to F Co. 3rd Regiment, V.R. Corps, and served with them as a musician for some considerable time. Later, he returned to the ranks and served until January 25, 1864, when he was discharged for disability."

The report goes on to say that shortly after, he went to Marietta, OH and “engaged in the book and stationary business and made good…he was very fond of his old regiment, and we were fond of him. He was with us last at our reunion in Meriden, September 17, 1915."

John E. Vandervoort died on February 15, 1916 (age 74) and is buried at Oak Grove Cemetery in Marietta, OH. 

Name: Enoch Wilcox II, Private

No. of each grade: 79
Rank: Private
Age: 22
Enlisted—When: August 5, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light

Notes: Killed on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA.

My Notes: See the notes for Private Dwight Wolcott below to learn a bit more about the “gallant Wilcox.” Enoch Wilcox's remains were never recovered. 

There is a cenotaph for Wilcox at his family's pot at West Street Cemetery in Mdidletown, CT. He was 22 years old. 

Enoch Wilcox II
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: Benjamin C. Wilcox, Private

No. of each grade: 80
Rank: Private
Age: 21
Enlisted—When: August 2, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 9 inches
Color Eyes: Blue
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Wounded on September 17, 1862 at Antietam, MD. Discharged on account of disability on January 30, 1863.

My Notes: The “14th Connecticut Necrological Committee Report for 1910,” says that Wilcox was “severely wounded at the battle of Antietam in the hand and arm, disabling him for field duty. In January, 1863, when his wounds were healed, he was discharged for disability. Our Comrade carried on the lumber business in Meriden for many years…His wife, a son, and daughter, survive him, also a sister, Mrs. Henry Gilbert of Middletown.” 

Benjamin C. Wilcox died on March 30, 1910 (age 69) of “tuberculosis of the lungs.” He is buried West Street Cemetery in Middletown, CT. 

Name: Dwight Wolcott, Private

No. of each grade: 81
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Rocky Hill, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 8 1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Dark
Complexion: Light

Notes: Killed on December 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA.

My Notes: This young man has the most innocent face and it doesn’t look like he could “hurt a fly.” But, looks can be deceiving, as this brave young man fought to the very end at Fredericksburg. Notice what author, Thomas La Lancette, writes about Private Wolcott and his fellow soldier Enoch Wilcox II in his book, “A Nobel and Glorious Cause”: 

“Although the battle line of which their regiment formed a part had been stopped and all but destroyed, two young Company B privates, twenty-two year old Enoch Wilcox II and eighteen year old Dwight Wolcott, continued to advance side by side, their bayonets leveled against a foe they could never reach. Both men disappeared into the swirling sulphurous cloud of a confederate volley. It was Corporal Elnathan Tyler’s belief that no Union soldiers fell as close to that fatal stone wall as did the gallant Wilcox and Wolcott.” 

Gallant, indeed.

Neither men's remains were ever recovered. There is a cenotaph for Dwight Wolcott at his family’s plot at Center Cemetery in Rocky Hill, CT. 

Dwight Wolcott
Middlesex County Historical Society

Name: George E. Wood, Private

No. of each grade: 82
Rank: Private
Age: 18
Enlisted—When: July 31, 1862
Enlisted—Where: Middletown, CT
Enlisted—By Whom: Elijah W. Gibbons
Period (of enlistment): 3 years

Married: No
No. of children under fourteen: --

Birthplace: Middletown, CT
Residence: Middletown, CT

Height (feet/inches): 5 feet / 3 1/2 inches
Color Eyes: Grey
Color Hair: Light
Complexion: Light

Notes: Transferred to 19th Co., 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps on August 6, 1864. Discharged on July 31, 1865.

My Notes: George Wood died on September 15, 1928 (age 83) and is buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in the Grand Army of the Republic burial ground, Middletown, CT. 

George E. Wood
Durham Historical Society


And for good measure, photographs of 14th CT Surgeon, Philo G. Rockwell and his Assistant Surgeon, Levi Jewett: 

14th CT Surgeon, Philo G. Rockwell

Assistant Surgeon, Levi Jewett