"One of the striking indications of civilization and refinement among a people is the tenderness and care manifested by them towards their dead." ~ from Board of Trustees of the Antietam National Cemetery, 1869 ~

Pictures of Otis and Young Family Members

In no particular order:
Of course, Daniel H. Otis
Son of Erastus Selden Otis and Elizabeth Mary Young.

And, here is Daniel's photo after being professionally restored and colorized (gifted to me by my husband). Look at the clarity!

Especially for this website, I zoomed into Daniel’s restored image and cropped it, because I wanted him to be seen—to really be seen, and probably most accurately for the first time since he’s died. 

William Young Otis.
Brother of Daniel H. Otis.
Son of Erastus Selden Otis and Elizabeth Mary Young.

Ervin Lewis Otis.
Son of William Young Otis and Elizabeth Vashti Taylor.
Nephew of Daniel H. Otis

Brevet Brigadier General John Lord Otis.
Son of Hayden Otis and Mary Lord.
First cousin (half) of Daniel H. Otis.

John Lord Otis.
Post-war photo

Russell Bailey Young.
Uncle of Daniel H. Otis.
Brother of  Elizabeth Mary Young Otis (Daniel's mother)
Son of William S. Young and Elizabeth Bailey
Photo source: History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania

Henry Robert Young
Son of Robert I. Young  and Laura A. Johnson
First cousin of Daniel H. Otis
Nephew of Elizabeth Mary Young Otis
Photo source: Penny Press, June 10, 1907

Amanda Malvina Chapman Otis Hayden.
Wife of Calvin S. Otis.
Wife of Erastus S. Otis.
Wife of James P.R. Hayden.
Step-mother of Daniel H. Otis.
Daughter of Samuel Chapman and Keturah Jones.

Daniel Otis has a family resemblance to Ervin Otis and most-definitely to John Lord Otis, but not as much with his own brother William Otis, nor with his cousin Henry Young or Uncle Russell Young. I think Daniel looks like "an Otis," through and through. He even has a resemblance to his distant relations: Mercy Otis Warren and James Otis, Jr. They all have that same elegant, aristocratic nose. However, I believe that Daniel got the Scottish Young-family coloring with his ruddy cheeks, and auburn tinged hair, eyebrows, and facial hair. Interesting how familial similarities works out. 

I wish there were photos of Daniel's father and mother (Erastus and Elizabeth Otis) and Daniel's other two brothers, Robert and George. I’d give my best song and dance for copies of their photos! At one point in time I’m sure their photographic likeness existed. 

Hopefully in the future, something will come across my path...